From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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A logo makeover: Part two

A logo makeover: Part two

- Hi everyone, John McWade. This time we're finishing up the butteredlime logo that we started last time. Quick review, this is the original logo. Type is the major player here. It's set in ITC Avant Garde. In default mode like this, it's really nondescript. But what we saw is that it's designed to be set not like this, but super tight like this. This is way different. It has rhythm, it has style. And that's because those circles and straights are now interacting, working off each other. And it's cool, totally different from the default spacing. This is Avant Garde looking right, doing what it was designed to do. It works by itself. It doesn't need a graphic with it, it can sit very nicely in a circle. Black is the color that's been used and it's very strong. It also works in lime green where the contrasts are softer. So that catches us up. This time we'll look at the graphic. What the designer did, it took me a moment to realize this, is combine an Avant Garde b and l into a single…
