From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Alignment: Your ruler’s good only for regular things

Alignment: Your ruler’s good only for regular things

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Alignment: Your ruler’s good only for regular things

- Hi everybody, John McWade, Senior Author here at Have you ever been working on a layout trying to get images lined up, and your computer says they're lined up, but your eye says they're not? Why is that? And what do you do? Well, the problem is that the computer sees images differently than we see images. You know, we'll see the mass of an object, like this wooden vase or this plant here, but the computer sees what's called a bounding box, which is this invisible box that encompasses every possible pixel in the image. The problem being that those pixels can be very light colored, they can be sparse, they can even be invisible. And so when you see these two objects next to each other, and I realize they're at different angles, but that doesn't matter for purposes here, the computer says they're aligned and they're sized the same, but your eye's going that's not true. So you have to ignore the computer and ignore your rulers, and do this work by eye. And what you need to go…
