From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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- Hi, everyone, John McWade. Today we're looking at triangles. Triangles have an amazing ability to energize a design, basically any design. And the way they do that is by destabilizing it, by getting us off-balance. For example, this image is nothing but triangles, and it's pretty intense. The bright colors contribute, but by themselves they don't have that crackle. It's the triangles that give it that. So here's the rule: in any design, if you want to add any of four things, energy, excitement, surprise, or disruption, use triangles. Here's why that works. A triangle is one of the basic shapes, circle, square, triangle. Of the three, the square and triangle are the ones with angles. The square is the stable shape. It's parallel to the ground, sides upright, it feels heavy, it's not going to move, and because of those properties, viewers will tend to feel safe with it. A tall rectangle is related to the square, but we experience it differently. It feels inherently less stable, and…
