From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Ask John: Authentic advice

Ask John: Authentic advice

- Today's question is, "I'm starting my new business, "and I'm creating my first marketing piece "to announce my new website. "What design advice do you have to be authentic? "To stand out and not be boring." Oh my goodness, there are a million ways this question could be answered. I'm going to assume by your question, that your business is small and personal, so that it's a reflection or an expression of you. Authenticity of course, means that your outside matches your inside. That what we see is you rather than some version of what you think we'd want to see. To be truly free to do that is for most of us, the work of a lifetime. Being out there and real feels vulnerable, so we tend to construct facades so we feel less exposed. So if you mean, really, that you want to be authentic, the first question to answer is who are you. That's a big question. What stirs you? Is there a style you're drawn to that you can point to? Are you modern or traditional? Are you excitable or stoic? Are…
