From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Ask John: New business logo

Ask John: New business logo

- Today's question. I have to design a logo for a new yoga business. I don't even know where to start because I'm new to design. What are the first things to think about? I'd say the first thing to think about is do you even need a logo? And take the question seriously because I'd assert that most businesses, and especially small businesses, don't. At least not a little symbol or a mark. What do you want is a consistent way of writing your name. Most logos, in fact, are just that. We call them word marks. Second is to understand that the primary purpose of a logo is to be an identifier. A case in point would be Nike. Nike has billions of garments in use at this moment around the world, and its little swoosh tells you at a glance, regardless of language, who made it. But if you're the local bookshop or bakery or yoga studio, you don't have a need like that. On a small scale like a yoga studio, the real argument for a logo is that it can just be fun to have. A personal expression, your…
