From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Blue Note: Caddy Daddy, Part 3

Blue Note: Caddy Daddy, Part 3

- We've been looking at layout and sight lines on this classic Bluenote album cover from the 1960s by designer Reed Miles who also took the photo. This is the last of four episodes. I encourage you to watch the previous three, and today we'll add the Blue Note logo and catalog number along with a list of Mobley's accompanying musicians. This is the Blue Note logo. Miles would play with this. The form would remain, but he typically worked in copy and catalog number. He'd change colors, type weights, outlines, and on this album he put it in the upper right corner. You may recall that on the Donald Byrd album, he actually worked it into the headline. Putting it in the upper right like this keeps it off the main stage, and out of the sight line, which is not the case if it's in the upper left. Here it becomes part of the show, and you know why. Because we read left to right, top to bottom, so it's the point of origin for this sight line, which is a long diagonal shape, which you can see…
