From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Design a beautiful CD package

Design a beautiful CD package

- Hi, everyone, John McWade. Today we're going to look at CD package design. And this story began a while back when I had an old vinyl record that was obscure enough to be unavailable in digital or anywhere online and was basically irreplaceable, it also had scratches and pops and hisses and the things vinyl is prone to, so I sent it to Eric Vanderwick of King Tet Productions to convert it to digital and clean it up for me. He did a great job of that, sent it back in two days. It sounded almost new, and along with it he sent me this. This is a sampler of five records he's made of nature sounds, birds and wind and water, they're soothing, they're for background, sleep, meditation, contemplation, all that. Based on the available evidence though, Eric's a better audio guy that he is a designer, because everything that could possibly be wrong with this is wrong, so I phoned him and I said, "Hey, Eric, do you mind if I use your design as a great bad example and make it over?" And he said…
