From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Design a business card: Make it look like what it says

Design a business card: Make it look like what it says

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Design a business card: Make it look like what it says

- Hi, everybody. John McWade, senior author here at What we're looking at today is a business card for a one-man, one-jet air charter service here on the West Coast. That'd be a fun thing to do. Looking at his card, you can tell where Charles' heart is. He pilots a state-of-the-art jet but prints his business cards on his desktop. So what we need to talk about is how to get photo and type and graphics working together, instead of everything willy-nilly. The factory supplied a really nice photo. But Charles made a common mistake. He filled its open spaces with words, kind of like he shook them out of a salt shaker, and where they landed trapped the airplane. And because they're all over, the message is in pieces. This is not how we talk or how we write. The type is set in Times Roman Bold. Times is a default face on almost every computer on the planet. Times Roman is good for text, Times Roman Bold, not so much, but it's designed for a newspaper, the serifs and thick-thin…
