From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Design a business card using repetitive shape

Design a business card using repetitive shape

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Design a business card using repetitive shape

- Hi everybody. John McWade, Senior Author here at If you sell a creamy confection that's light and airy and fresh, how do you get that across on your business materials? Well if you're like Nubi yogurt, you use this cool die cut card and for art, use one line, one curve, and two complementary colors. I love this card. It's like a stylized dollop of yogurt. And it's the centerpiece of Nubi's entire look. So I'd like to show you what's here and why it's working and how you can transfer some of what's working to your own stuff. This design all hangs on the typeface of the Nubi name, especially the mirror image N and U. It's almost certainly hand drawn and ultra simple. One stroke weight, no thicks and thins, no serifs, no detail, one square corner, one round corner. That line motif becomes the theme and it repeats. Look at the logo. Square corners and round corners at opposite ends, and look what else. The white circle is the same width as a letter and the orange circle…
