From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Design challenge: Dino Water

Design challenge: Dino Water

- Design is so much about storytelling, bringing words and images together to make a message. To do what words alone can't do. So I have an assignment for you, we want to brand a product called dinowater. It's just water in a bottle, it came out of a conversation with a friend, a scientist, who remarked that we live in a fantastic but closed ecosystem in which everything is recycled. Even over 245 million years, and we walk the same crust of Earth the dinosaurs walked and we drink the same water that dinosaurs drank, and how cool is that? And I'm thinking, dinowater, ooh that needs some branding. The thinking being that what kid, including the kid in us, wouldn't be delighted to know that the water in his or her glass is the same water that T-Rex drank. This is an audience participation project, that means you. The winner, and I don't like using the term winner because it really is a learning project, but the winner will receive a year's unlimited access to the LinkedIn Learning…
