From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Double your artwork for free: Use the same picture twice

Double your artwork for free: Use the same picture twice

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Double your artwork for free: Use the same picture twice

- Hi everybody, John McWade, senior author here at Have a look at this picture. What we're seeing is one photo two times, the small one in the foreground is full strength and the big one in the background is ghosted. This is a cool look, and it's taking advantage of two things. One is that an image will always go with itself so you don't have any "Gee, does this go with that" decisions to make. The other is that an image communicates differently at different sizes so you're getting two different but complementary impressions out of one picture. Let's try it with a different picture. Place your image on the page or screen, duplicate it, send it to the back, enlarge it really big and set its opacity to a very light value, like 15%. Putting it higher than the foreground image will reinforce the perception that it's in the back. I don't normally recommend doing ghosts. The main problem with a ghost is it takes a perfectly good image and just washes it out but in this case it…
