From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Lanzarote calendar assignment

Lanzarote calendar assignment

- I have an assignment for you. Lanzarote Island in the Canary archipelago off the coast of Africa is a beautiful place and popular for many reasons. It's popular as a tourist destination. It's popular for it's life style, for it's geology, for it's architecture. But you wouldn't know any of that by looking at the cover of this calendar, which a friend of mind showed me recently. What we see is a photograph of an obviously popular beach that's then been covered by a number of pieces of type and rectangles. Lanzarote is set in Lucida calligraphy, which is a default type face. It's had a shadow added to it and it's been compressed 80 percent horizontally. Which is something you don't typically want to do. Although, calligraphic type faces are usually more tolerant of compression. It's also curiously, the smallest of these elements. The year 2017 is also set in Lucida calligraphy. It's not been kerned or spaced in any way. It's just been typed, which is typically the mark of the work of…
