From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Less is more: Book covers

Less is more: Book covers

- I was asked by a viewer recently how to design things that print with less ink and I'm like, oh my goodness, what a cool topic. Yeah, ink is expensive and we want to minimize our use of it, but what got me excited was that when you minimalize your design you almost always improve it. Even when you're not designing for paper your work will still improve. So yeah, let's do this. And I'd like to start here. This is a book cover, the kind you'd print on your desktop, has a little white border. And I want to emphasize that this doesn't have to be a book, it can be anything, poster, flyer, brochure, mobile, whatever, use your imagination. Wall-to-wall ink coverage and a design of rectangles. The rectangular page, the photo frames, windows, the horizontal bars top and bottom, all that, very mechanical, very unyoga-like actually. And it will use a lot of ink. There are two basic ways to use less ink. If we're starting here one is to work in a smaller area, the other is to use lighter…
