From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Less is more: Posters

Less is more: Posters

- Two quick techniques this time for designing to save ink. This is most useful of course when you're designing to print on your desktop in any quantity. Small project typically, flyers, brochures, postcards, postures, things like that. First up is this, a flyer for the neighborhood pet store. A dozen cats, super cute in the shape of a question mark which can be seen at a distance. The downside being that covering a page with photos uses a lot of expensive ink and in all four colors and this is a problem. You could make your photos small but this is a poster. You'll want it visible from a distance, so I think the answer in this case will be to skip the photos in favor of a black and white illustration. Just an entirely difference concept. Lots of fun though and super visible. In fact maybe more. It's bold, it's simple. Key to this of course will be to find the right image and to be fair, cats are pretty easy but with what? 200 million pieces online, artwork can usually be found and…
