From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Lesson of the counterintuitive logo

Lesson of the counterintuitive logo

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Lesson of the counterintuitive logo

- Hi, everyone, John McWade. Have you ever designed a logo and gotten stuck trying to squeeze meaning into every nook and cranny? You want to represent the company's financial strength, convey a sense of company history and great customer service, look professional, give it some pow, maybe make it blue. Probably didn't come out very well, did it? I think generally speaking, when we struggle with logo design or maybe any design, it's because we're either trying to do too much or depict things too metaphorically. For example, this line represents the upward thrust of success. Or this arch represents a bridge or a connection from one thing to another. At least that's what we tell ourselves. Or we get literal. A logo for housing has to have a house in it. Or fashion design has to look fashiony. But none of these things is true. And what happens when we try to make them true, is we don't leave room for art to do its thing. Art is mystery. The problem with it is that its hard to quantify…
