From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Magazine cover redesign

Magazine cover redesign

- [Voiceover] Hi everyone, John McWade. A viewer sent me this magazine cover for a quick critique, it's a landscape format PDF, it looks like two covers but it's not, it's just one, and he's not happy with his type. The image is cool, it was drawn by a friend of his, it's very decorative, very elaborate, kind of art nouveau, lots of texture, very 60s, Age of Aquarius, all that. Very tactile, I like the deep color, it looks like night. The typeface though, is opposite most of that. It's very nice, it's called Glober from Fontfabric, it's a geometric sans serif, that has some soft, handmade touches, but it is a sans serif, so it's modern, it has no detail, no texture to speak of. The color contrast is extremely high, white just shocks the page, so the voices couldn't be more different, it's like the type and the image have come from different eras, different cultures, different world views. Let's look at a couple of things, starting with the shadow. The name is the only thing on the…
