From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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More design techniques with grids

More design techniques with grids

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

More design techniques with grids

- You may have seen before in my short course Fast Easy Cover Design, how a super simple grid organizes your page very easily. I'd like to flesh that out little more. When you have info to put into an empty space like this, it can be tempting to just fill it up. And you can do that, and sometimes it works, but that's generally not design, it's just filling space. Design is always intentional. It's to organize, bring hierarchy, set a mood, whatever. So here's a technique you'll find lots of use for, and that's simply to set your type in small blocks, aligned vertically and horizontally. You want a focal point, in this case it's Studio G, and then note what I've done here. All the type is in upper case, it runs from big to small, that's hierarchy, and dark to light, which is also hierarchy. Two different graphical means of doing the same thing, so they reinforce each other. The result is neat, it looks intentional, it has strong presence. The white space on the right, that quiet space…
