From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Multi-use format for a business card

Multi-use format for a business card

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Multi-use format for a business card

- Hi everyone. John McWade. On the reception counter at Kent Cardiology is a small rack of business cards. You see these often at clinics. They're all the same general information except for each doctor's name look like this. Not very attractive. They're pretty common. Several things caught my eye. First, is the dual logo. A red heart drawn with a brush and an EKG trace line running through the name. Two completely different form factors, two completely different visual concepts and basically incompatible. We're seeing two type families. The name is in Friz Quadrata which is a showy and a little bit quirky display face designed in the 1960's. And the body is set in Optima, bold light and light italic from the 1950's. Each of these phases is fine on it's own but it's like the logos. Together they're somewhat discordant. The problem being that each is lightly styled but in different ways. As a rule, two type faces together like this should either be the same or very different. The paper…
