From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Quick look: Decoded wallet case

Quick look: Decoded wallet case

- When it comes to logos, small is better than big, at least for conveying quality and confidence. Decoded gets this right. Check out the tiny flag on my iPhone Wallet Case, in print on the box, in thread on the case. In print, it's modern and slick. In thread, it has warmth and touch, kind of Old World. Same position on both pieces, and that uniformity is key. And look how simple, red, white, blue, nothing complicated, and it's familiar. It's not new and edgy. Most audiences most of the time will prefer this. You don't need to invent something never seen before. Very low key, very distinctive, most Decoded products carry this flag. Small, familiar image, consistently placed, that's all you need. And that's your design for today. See ya next time.
