From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Redesigning a business card

Redesigning a business card

- Hi everyone, John McWade. JR Hair & Nails is a great salon, but you wouldn't know that by their business card. Let's have a look. Their card has been put together like so many cards are put together, and that's without any attention paid to the design. There are a lot of different typefaces here, there's some funky clip art here, there's not any design arrangement here. I will take you step-by-step through each one of these things starting with JR. This is set in Times Roman Bold. Hair & Nails is set in a swashy, calligraphic typeface, completely different. Family Hair Care is in Times Medium Italic. The phone number, it's in a good place on the card, right in the middle, is set in Souvenir Bold. While we're here, let's take a closer look at it. When you're setting type like this, you want to pay attention to the kerning. Note, in particular, around the numeral one and the one over here, there's excess space on either side. You commonly see this with a one. There's also excess space…
