From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Shape it: Part one

Shape it: Part one

- Hi everyone, John McWade. Well, you've heard me talk before about getting your design out of a box. Today, I'm going to show you how to get into one, or into several, actually. We're going to make a design out of round corner rectangles. This is for those lightweight projects. Nothing deep. You just need a look that's simple, that'll probably have a short lifespan. Could be for an event, a promotion, a webpage, whatever. The space can be any size, any shape. You divide it into rectanglular sections and each section carries images or text, but generally not both. How the space is divvied up depends on your material. So, let me take you through one. Start with a space and a margin. I'm going to divide this space roughly into thirds, both horizontal and vertical because I know what I have in mind. You'll get a feel for this after you've done a few. And place a photo. Sample a color from the image to color the rectangle on the right. You don't have to do this. You can get your colors…
