From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Shape it: Part two

Shape it: Part two

- Hi everyone, John McWade. Last time we were looking at how to create simple designs out of round corner rectangles. This is a fun way to organize your design. It's great for small projects that have a short lifespan, events, promotions, things like that. We'll finish with two more examples. The first is a design that will run horizontally which is different from last time. And the second is a webpage. Start as before by placing the image. In this case an illustration instead of a photo which is pretty light on the page. Place a rounded banner at the top like this. I'm using this example to show how to flex with the graphic that you have. The point is this technique is not anything like a grid that's rigid or preset, you make it up as you go. Problem right away is that because of the way the picture's shaped, we get an awkward gap in here, we can try to force it. Set the headline in green space and the second line in open space like this, but to my eye this is too busy. Typeface has…
