From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Those little extras

Those little extras

- One of the fun things about design is how words and pictures can work together to be stronger than either one alone. They can do this because they operate on different channels. You might think of it as words being rational and pictures being emotional. Direct, indirect, right brain, left brain. Words are easier to control, pictures must be felt. So turn your feelers on. Here's a perfectly clear statement of fact. And applied in this statement is that if this is your rental, you'd want the bugs gone and Zapz is here to help you with that. But a better way is this. What makes this engaging, of course, if that the viewer has to put the puzzle together, but it's a lot stronger, isn't it? Another example, the power company can lecture customers about the importance of turning down their thermostats blah blah blah, or it can show them this. It's engaging, I get it. The most famous ad campaign of the 20th century and maybe ever, the ads that changed advertising, were the Doyle Dane…
