From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Tooth and texture

Tooth and texture

- At the store the other day, garden department. Came across these cute little moon cactus. And I'm like, oh that'd look good on my desk. So I bought one, $3, thing is I didn't have a pot to replace it's temporary plastic one. But I got interested in the label. Turns out that a moon cactus gets it's color because it lacks chlorophyll and so it presents as this beautiful ruby red rather than traditional green. And I thought oh I know. So I peeled off the store label and replaced it with one of my own. Smaller than a Post-it note. Printed the front side, printed back side too. So the little flap stand wouldn't be white. And I set it on my desk next to this colorful little desert creature that I had picked up in Phoenix. And I have a little museum. And I love this. It's on my desk, it's in my backyard office. Nobody's gonna see it but me, but I don't care. I just love looking at it. Don't even need a new pot. The little label just dignifies the whole presentation. And I was showing this…
