From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Visual continuity

Visual continuity

- Just a detail this time but an important one. Whenever you're designing a multi-page document, a magazine, paper, website, you need to establish visual continuity. The look you start with like on the cover needs to run through the whole thing. The look can be low-key, but it has to be there. You want every page to carry the DNA of the whole. There are a lot of ways to do this with type, with color, with graphical devices like lines and borders and whatever. I have one example to show you to sort of get this idea into your head. This is ESPN Magazine. ESPN is a sports magazine. Great design. A bit oversized. Kind of big and floppy. Has a newsyness about it. Feels current. It's designed around a custom typeface by Hey Studio in Barcelona. I think they just call it Hey ESPN. Very stylized. All straight lines. No curves at all. The angle is 45 degrees. Super bold, super thin serifs. Entirely uppercase. The M is a great example, especially that angle. What's on this page are all the…
