From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

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Working with a rule of thumb (dynamic) grid

Working with a rule of thumb (dynamic) grid

From the course: Graphic Design Tips & Tricks

Working with a rule of thumb (dynamic) grid

- There are two kinds of design grids. There's a rigid mechanical grid and then there's what I call the rule of thumb grid. The mechanical grid is one that's pre-made. It's like for a recurring document, like a newspaper or a magazine where you have fixed columns and rows into which you pour your text and place your graphics and arrange them in different ways. The rule of thumb grid is far more dynamic and it is built based on the image that's on your page. It grows naturally out of that image. And that's the one I'd like to show you today. So, on my iPad I have a photograph of the International Space Station floating serenely in space above the Earth to which we're going to place a headline and some text. And it's like, where does it go? The way to start is to take the measurements of the images that are in front of you, and it's just like using your thumb to visualize where your pictures on your wall should go. So, for example, we can, we say, okay, here's our thumb, and there's a…
