From the course: Hands-On with Design Systems

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Best practices

Best practices

- [Instructor] Best practices. Best practices is a topic that is best researched by studying the industry's top design system. So let's list a few to add to your research. Apple's human interface design, Google's material design, IBM carbon design, Mailchimp's design system, and Atlassian's design system. Now, here are a few things to keep in mind while you're doing your own guidance research. Look at the navigation. Look how they categorize and organize their information. Look at how they apply code support for their developers. Look at how they describe and document their components and patterns. Compare the dos and the don'ts. Look at what assets they provide. Product specific design kits like XD, Sketch, or Figma. Pay attention to how they share their design logs. Look at how they address accessibility and observe how they document and provide guidance around their color systems. By paying attention to these type of…
