From the course: Hands-On with Design Systems

Choosing the right model

- [Instructor] Choosing the right model. Not all design systems fit all organizations. Understanding the different models of design systems is essential to choosing the suitable development model for your business. So there are three common design system models. First, there is the solidarity model. This is where there is one authority that rules the design system. This model's great when you need to be fast and agile, but it's a lot of work for any one person and that could result into bottlenecks in the process. The next model is the centralized model. This is where a single team maintains the design system as a full-time job. This model's great for keeping the design system maintained, but the team may be disconnected from the research and may not have a complete understanding of the user needs. The last model is the federate model. This is where people from varying teams across the company assemble to manage and govern the system. This model offers more in-depth insight and research into the user's needs, but this model is also slow due to the commitment and focus on digital product obligations by the team members. So now that you have a general understanding of the three model types, take a moment to pause this video, write down who will be involved, what will be their role and contribution to the project, and how much time they'll be dedicating to the project. And in the next video, we'll start looking at the anatomy of a design system.
