From the course: Hands-On with Design Systems

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Demo assets

Demo assets

- [Instructor] Demo assets. By the nature of the name, you might assume that design systems are just for designers, but that couldn't be any further from the truth. Design systems are also used by developers. Let's take another look at a design system example. This is Atlassian is Trello's design system. And if you look at the top here, you'll notice some of the same category breakdowns as we saw in the previous example. So we have Foundation, Content, Components, Patterns, and Resources. Now, if we click on Components, you'll notice that we have this same left hand navigation as we saw in the previous section. But what I want you to do is take a look down here and let's take a look at the Datetime Picker. Now, on this page you'll notice the page is broke down to subcategories. We have an Example, we have Code, and Usage. The example here shows you a little demonstration, or demo, of that particular…
