From the course: Hands-On with Design Systems

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Design system tools

Design system tools

- [Host] Design system tools, design system tools are used for collaboration, design, communication, project management, and development. Let's take a look at some of these tools. For collaboration and brainstorming, we have Miro, Mural, Lucid Spark. These are whiteboarding tools, and they're great for brainstorming, mind mapping and team workshops. The next tools we'll look at are the design tools which are Figma, Sketch, Adobe Xd, and Axure. These are the industry standard tools required for design, prototyping, asset development, and template building. Most components, templates and patterns are built in one or all of these tools, depending on the user's needs. Next, we have software development and version control. And on this list we have GitHub, when it comes to communication with developers, software development, version tracking and hosting repositories GitHub is at the top of the game. And lastly, we have our project…
