From the course: Hands-On with Design Systems

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Dos and don'ts

Dos and don'ts

- [Instructor] Do and do not guidance. Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do. However, your design system should not leave too much for presumption. So providing dos and do nots is something that you should always consider when writing guidance. So let's take a look at how material design uses dos and don'ts. I'm going to provide you with a scenario. We have a designer who's looking for a way to use a selection control. And that selection control will be used to turn something on or off. So instinctually they may think maybe a checkbox or maybe a radio button might be the solution for that, so they'll go over here and they'll look at some of the guidance on that. Let's look at radio button. Now, if you go down and you scroll down, it talks about the usage. Radio buttons are used to select a single option. Okay, so that's not the best solution here. There's a little bit more information…
