From the course: Hands-On with Design Systems

Prelude to design systems

- [Narrator] In 1960, computer technology started to advance so fast that it outpaced software engineer's ability to keep up. It was difficult to maintain, it was error prone, and it was slow. And at this time this dilemma was known as the software crisis. In 1968, a software engineer by the name of Douglas Mcllroy, presented a new idea based on component-based development. Component based development may code reusable, faster, more efficient, and scalable. In the end this new approach decreased the development effort while allowing software engineers the ability to utilize faster computer hardware technology. Douglas Mcllroy is a talented engineer with many contributions to software development from 1960 to 1997. Mcllroy is known for his many contributions to technology, and among them he is also known for his contribution to a very popular multi-user OS. Do you know what OS he contributed to? Bonus points to the student who sends me the answer on LinkedIn. Okay, here we are years later dealing with the same similar dilemma, but now it's design struggling to keep up with application maintenance and development, which is why we need design systems.
