From the course: Hands-On with Design Systems

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Themes and behaviors

Themes and behaviors

- [Instructor] Themes and behaviors. Themes are variables applied globally to control your design system, spacing, color, and typography rules. We use themes in our design system to tailor an accessible user experience. For example, you might be aware of or have experienced two popular theming styles, light mode and dark mode. Let's look at how Audi uses theming in their design system. So here we are at the Audi Design System website. And if you go over here to the left hand side of the navigation and click on user interface, then click on themes, we are now looking at the theme page. Now let's take a look at some of the guidelines that they provide on their page. First, you'll see a little bit of a definition here about themes and what is the purpose of their theme system. And they have representation of the dark mood on the left and a representation of light mood on the right. Now, the difference between how they use these…
