From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Alignment, knowledge, and expertise

Alignment, knowledge, and expertise

- It's fair to expect that a new contract resource can hit the ground running, but be aware that every organization or even work group likely has an established unique UX culture and corporate culture. The contractor isn't going to be familiar with that culture and may need to align themselves. Corporate UX employees may share a common body of knowledge that combines typical UX practice with industry and corporate influences. Expect your new UX resource to understand and respond to a typical UX framework. But when that's combined with an additional unique framework of your company or industry, you'll have to provide some additional context. You'll need to define terms that you use differently. For example, a client recently told me that they were going to do both user research and usability testing. Since I would typically consider user research as an umbrella of methods, and usability testing as one such method, I…
