From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Are the people you find right for you?

Are the people you find right for you?

From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

Are the people you find right for you?

- Once you've identified someone as a potential employee of your company, or a valuable freelance resource, how do you figure out if they are really right for you? Someone that is newer to UX may not have a UX brand yet. But someone who is coming to you who has experience, whether an employee or a contractor, should be self-branded as a UX professional. First off, does their LinkedIn profile and their resume articulate a solid set of UX experiences? And do those experiences tell the story of a UX professional who does UX activities within the design, research, and strategy framework? And without too much time away from UX in the narrative. If you Google that person, you should ideally be able to see a UX brand. Preferably with evidence that they've been associated with UX activities, have some semblance of UX represented on social media. And perhaps have blogged about UX or even spoken at events. That's not to say that someone…
