From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Contracting, pricing, and timing

Contracting, pricing, and timing

- You may worry about bringing on agencies and freelancers who are less in your control, and who provide greater risk and potentially more variability in your management of the project timeline, scope, and budget. The key is communication. As soon as you possibly can, ideally while you're still scoping out the effort, work with your designated contractor to figure out what their expectations may be, and how these expectations align with what you see yourself needing. Different UX activities take different amounts of time for different people. However, in a time and materials contract, meaning you pay people by the hour or perhaps by the day, you certainly do have the right to tell contractors that they need to fit within a certain set of hours or days. If they have concerns they can discuss these with you at that point. But if they do propose more hours than you want and you successfully talk them down, still make sure…
