From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Contractor communication and work location

Contractor communication and work location

From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

Contractor communication and work location

- Over the course of your project, employees may have established and effective methods of communicating with each other. But a short-term resource may not be as fully dialed in. So make sure to keep them in the loop too. While you have less control over a contractor's schedule and work than your employees, you can partially compensate for this with regular communication. From the outset let your contractors know that they have an open channel of communication with your team and be specific about how communication would be most easily facilitated from your side. This is true whether they've allocated office space in your work area or they're in a different time zone. At a project level, as we talked about, that communication starts with the contract. And at a project level it extends through the project life cycle, both when the project starts and how the work ebbs and flows over the duration. This person likely also has…
