From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Corporate credibility

Corporate credibility

- How do you assess whether a business that you identify is actually an organization worth bringing on to help you? First off, look at what they tell you. If they write a proposal for the work, how do they prioritize UX? Look at the language they use. Do they talk about user experience throughout the process, and ideally in an iterative way? Or does it look like UX was thrown in haphazardly, just to win the bid? If they talk about past performance, is UX clearly integrated into those projects? Look at their website. Is UX prioritized there? If the business is large enough, look at job posts on their website, or do a quick search for job postings, and see if they hire for specific UX types of jobs. See if you can find UX people at that company on LinkedIn. And make sure that they too are properly branded as UX professionals, especially true if you know who is being proposed for your project. Even googling the company could…
