From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Create your UX elevator pitch

Create your UX elevator pitch

- The supply and demand ratio often favors talent over employers. Employers and recruiters need to make a pitch that their business provides awesome opportunities as places to work, and has great people to work with. Employees want an employer that really understands and values UX, and understands the difference between UX and other aspects of the creation process, like development. They want an employer that understands that there are multiple skill sets within UX, even if the employer needs more than one skill set, and even if they themselves represent more than one of those skill sets. They want an employer who values people as much as they do, and an employer that values them and supports them becoming better UX professionals, helping them grow their knowledge and skills. Those skills need to grow with work that challenges them to think creatively as they make a difference. And they want to be able to work with…
