From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Figure out what skills you need on your team

Figure out what skills you need on your team

From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

Figure out what skills you need on your team

- We've only lightly touched on these three buckets and associated jobs and skillsets at a very high level. And as you can start to see, sometimes there's a little overlap in those defined roles. If you're looking to hire someone, start by figuring out what you need, and do a little bit of research to confirm what kind of position will help you fit those needs. I had a client recently who developed a web based application that was a total failure among the intended users. They thought that by doing user acceptance testing, a typical development centric alignment activity, was user research. They didn't understand why this research wasn't working. What they needed was research with the people who actually use the product. They thought the developers hired to do a vague UX/UI development process would get them good user experience. But all stakeholders meant by UX/UI was an attractive user interface, not a usable one.…
