From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Generalists and experts

Generalists and experts

- We talked earlier about UX not being a single skill set or a career, but rather a whole collection of skills that form a variety of career pathways. Of course, in an ideal world with unlimited budget, you could bring in experts to cover each type of skill set that you need, but maybe you only have enough budget for a single hire, or you don't have enough work for a different unique UX skill set. So you may want to find everything you need in one person, the UX generalist. There's nothing wrong with wanting a UX generalist who can cover your business in multiple areas. If you're looking for a junior staffer, someone near the beginning of their career, you can find a generalist. There is no expectation of expertise, and within the framework of their interests and inclinations, you will have the opportunity to shape this person to exactly what your business needs. If you're looking for a UX expert however, someone who…
