From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Giving newbies a chance

Giving newbies a chance

- When I've given talks about UX careers in the past, one of the common frustrations I here about from those new to UX is the struggle to get their first job. They don't understand. If there are so many UX jobs out there, why are they having trouble getting hired as a varied junior UX practitioner? The fundamental problem is that while there are many UX jobs, there's also the desire the desire to bring on staff who have at least some professional UX experience. If you are pooling in senior-level or contract resources, you would expect to pay them well. But you would have people who can immediately hit the ground running. However, there is no absolute playbook on exactly how UX is practiced. So the way they do their work may be different than the way your business wants work done. You have the opportunity to shape UX novices into professionals that you need. Yes, you have to be willing to invest your time and resources,…
