From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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(lively music) - On my LinkedIn profile, I actually write and it says in my description, if you're interested in having me do some work for you in some context or other, please email me first, don't call me. It's not that I don't want to talk with recruiters, but I get so much junk which is like someone calling, "Hi, I'm so and so from this tech company "and we are looking for this wonderful position." I'm like well, that's not what I do. And they're like, "Oh but it pays this wonderful amount." It doesn't sound so good to me. "Oh, I see you're a freelancer. "This is long-term full time." Well, I still don't want it. "But come on, can you tell your friends about it?" No. I get so many of those, those calls, those emails of like, it's totally misaligned but versus the amazing recruiter who calls, even if I'm not interested, they say, "I recently read your blog "about such and such "and it was so interesting…
