From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Learning break

Learning break

(uplifting music) - When I was young, when I was a teenager, I had this quote in my bedroom. Right across the door it said, "Some things must be believed to be seen." This quote, even as a teenager, it felt right to me. It felt like something meaningful that was driving my life even back then. But I didn't really understand how. It's all about saying that you can control luck. Everyone really has the power to improve the serendipity of their career, and it's really all about meeting people. It's interacting with people. This is the way that you can control your career by setting lots of things in motion. It doesn't matter whether you're a freelancer or whether you're a longtime employee, but at some point, there's going to be a new job. There's going to be new opportunities. There's going to be new adventures, however adventurous you want to get, related to your work. And it's all about setting everything in motion.…
