From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Mix and match for success

Mix and match for success

- There is no one right answer to whether you should bring on permanent staff or freelancers or larger businesses. You may find that your best option is to mix and match towards business success. If you are going to mix and match, it's critical that you have leadership that really understand the entire UX framework, and can manage what needs to get accomplished. These leaders can support both directly and indirectly, the growth of hires and the integration of those who are only on board a short time. Leadership could take the form of a small business owner, a project or program manager who has strong UX knowledge, or a dedicated UX lead. That leadership position, whatever it may be, is likely to be a full-time hire itself, but could also be a contract position, if for example, it's only of limited duration. If you're going to hire, pull in novice generalists, that the UX leadership can shape, and hire experts who cover…
