From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Portfolios and NDAs

Portfolios and NDAs

- UX job seekers are often asked to share a portfolio of prior work to establish that they have the appropriate experiences. Portfolios are an inherently tricky thing, however, since often by definition a portfolio showcases work at prior jobs and those jobs might require nondisclosure agreements or NDAs. While the NDAs at other companies shouldn't really be your problem, you may run into job candidates who tell you that they are hindered by the rules of their agreements. There's a hierarchy of what can be shared. If you find a good candidate but want some evidence of prior experience it could be up to you to help them figure out what is okay to share and in what way. If they aren't constrained by an NDA at all then sharing full work is certainly preferable. Not only the final effort which may be public anyway but also their pieces of the design, or research, or strategic thinking that went in to creating that effort.…
