From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Seek out staff and contractors

Seek out staff and contractors

- Posting a position to job boards can be great for pulling in full-time hires, and can be useful for temporary work, too. But there are other good ways to get visibility when seeking UX contractors, and especially creative agencies. As we discussed earlier, you should try to become a part of the UX community by participating in UX events and being part of social media. This builds you direct access to potential future job candidates. In addition, having a ready pool of freelancers in advance of your needs, particularly those who don't usually get booked on full-time, long-term engagements, is very valuable. How do companies find me? Largely, they find me for smaller projects through ad hoc methods, such as being referred by those that already know and have worked with me. Sometimes they find me on LinkedIn, presumably with a keyword search for research freelancers. Sometimes I get contacted directly through…
