From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Support career advancement

Support career advancement

- UX professionals tend to be information seekers. They often want to grow their professional skill set and knowledge, so help them. It may seem counterintuitive, but your job is to give them the skills, knowledge and confidence that they'll need so they can be an excellent candidate in the future job market. Are they going to stay with you forever? Probably not, but giving them what they need to move on doesn't mean that they will move on. It means that they will respect and appreciate you. Combined with a salary that's on par with the industry, and a generally positive work environment, that respect is going to make them all the more valuable. Support learning. Support the purchase of books and dare I say it, a subscription to LinkedIn Learning and other video and online learning resources. Support attending events, local events and national, international conferences and support your staff speaking at those events,…
