From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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Understand the needs of creatives

Understand the needs of creatives

- Let's make a few broad generalizations about UX professionals. I believe that many UX professionals, and I count myself here, are neither introverts nor extroverts. Rather, they're somewhere in between. They're often people who sometimes enjoy the energy from being and interacting with others, and then find that they need to have some time alone to recharge. Additionally, when you hear UXers declare introversion, well, it's true they might be. More often than not, the term introvert is actually and incorrectly being used as a synonym for being shy. And UX professionals are naturally curious. They seek to gather information, to understand, and to learn more about the world around them, and to create for that world. UX professionals are perhaps a bit more feeling and emotion-driven than those in other professions. So, what does that mean for you as an employer? How do you best manage people who are neither…
