From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

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User research, accessibility, and human factors

User research, accessibility, and human factors

From the course: Hiring and Managing UX Professionals

User research, accessibility, and human factors

- When it comes to the research bucket, there are activities that involve research, that is interactions with and observations of, actual and representative product users. And there are activities that involve evaluation, which compares a product with expected UX best practices. The most typical job type and skill set to do this work, is my UX specialty, that of user researcher. As a user researcher, I've gone literally all over the United States and occasionally to other countries to meet with the right users and understand their needs. I've met with disaster survivors after their homes were damaged or destroyed. I've met with car buyers, tax payers, small business owners, truckers, sales people. They all have different needs and different reactions to technological products. Understanding those needs and reactions leads to better offerings that can really help them. In addition, a research skill set, which can also be a…
